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There's a mouse! Where? There on the stairs!

Matt Homden • April 6, 2022

How to Keep Mice Out of Your Home: A Guide to Making Your Home Mouse-Free

Mice are pesky creatures, and as such, they’re great at finding their way into places where they don’t belong. Their small stature and incredible senses of smell and hearing, making them hard to keep away. To keep mice out of your home, you’ll need to understand their habits and know how to deter them. Here’s everything you need to know about keeping mice out of your home.

What Are Some of the Ways Mice Get Into Homes?

The most common way for mice to get into homes is through holes or openings in the walls, floors, or ceilings. Mice can also enter through wiring, plumbing, or a neighbouring home.


Mice can also enter your home through open doors and windows, or along existing wiring. If you’ve left these areas unsealed and open, mice can also enter through these openings. Mice can also travel along pipes and electrical conduits, making them especially noticeable in areas with HVAC systems.


How to Get Rid of Mice

If you have a mouse problem, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them. The first thing to do is to identify where the mice are entering your home. Once you know where they’re entering, you can begin to seal off these entry points.


You can use glue traps to catch small mice, as well as snap traps for larger mice. Make sure these traps are set out of reach of children and pets, as these animals can also become caught in them. Once you’ve set these traps, they should be checked every 12 hours. You can then use a flashlight to look for remaining bodies or dead mice, or for traps with captured mice. Once you’ve eliminated these mice, you can start to seal off entry points and prevent re-entry by using wire wool and a sealant to hold it in place.


Mice and Natural Remedies

Many people turn to natural remedies to get rid of mice, and there are a few things you can do to keep mice out of your home without using chemicals or invasive techniques.


One thing you can do is to make sure you have a sound mouse-proofing practice in place. This means ensuring there are no holes in the walls or floors where mice can enter your home.


You can also fill in all gaps and holes in the walls and floors with wire wool or mesh. Mice can squeeze through gaps as small as 1/4 inch. Once you’ve proofed these gaps it will help to keep mice from squeezing through these openings.


How to Keep Mice Out of Your Home—Without Pest Control Products

As mentioned above one of the best forms of prevention is proofing to help stop mice gaining ingress in the first place. This can be done by proofing holes and covering air bricks low down with vent covers.


Another thing you can do is to use sound to deter mice. There are many different tips of plugins that can be found online, but if you are going to try this they need to be plugged in low down as they emit a sound and need to be a ground level to stand a chance of working. These are also less effective if you already have a mouse issue.



Mice can be a nuisance, and as such, many people want to know how to keep mice out of their home. Unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot you can do about them. They can get into your home in a number of ways, but following the steps above can lower your risk of getting a mouse issue.


If you have a mouse problem, whilst off the shelf products can help, usually the quickest and most effective method of removing this kind of pest is to seek expert help from a Pest Control Professional.

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